Bring Metrolink to Cheadle and Stockport
The Metrolink extension to Cheadle and Stockport must happen now.
For years now, Stockport and Cheadle Constituency have been promised a connection to Metrolink, with most of Greater Manchester already having access to the tram system.
This petition calls on both Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the government to back and fund the Metrolink to Stockport and Cheadle.
"For too long, our communities have had to look on as areas such as Oldham, Salford and the Bury are given access to the Metrolink. Residents across areas such as Cheadle, Heald Green, Gatley and Bramhall all have to make do with a public transport system riddled with cancellations, delays and lack of service. It's not on" said Parliamentary candidate for Cheadle, Tom Morrison
"The Metrolink must be extended to Cheadle Constituency. Scrapping HS2 was a terrible decision, but if the Government did do it to reinvest the £36 billion, then some of it must rightly be used for Stockport."
Sign the petion below today.

Metrolink Petition
We the undersigned call on the Government and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to extend Metrolink to Cheadle and Stockport Borough and not to leave us behind.