Cllr Ian Powney steps down from Council

Bramhall Councillor, Ian Powney to step down from the Council on health grounds
Ian Powney, the councillor who first won the Bramhall South and Woodford seat from the Conservatives has stepped down as a Councillor on health grounds. A by-election will be held to replace him in late October/early November.
Cllr Powney won an historic election in the ward in 2022, beating the Conservatives who had held the seat for over 14 years. The first Lib Dem to represent the ward, Ian went on to champion road safety issues and protection of the area's green belt.
Ian said “I have immensely enjoyed my time serving the communities of Bramhall and Woodford over the last two years. Working alongside residents and my fellow councillors has been a true honour. While I am saddened to be stepping down, it is the best decision for my health. I want to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Bramhall & Woodford for electing me, and for all their support over the last two years.”
Lib Dem Group Leader Cllr Mark Hunter said “We will sorely miss Ian’s presence on the Council, he has been an astute and diligent councillor, who has excelled as a local champion for Bramhall & Woodford. His work on the Audit Committee has proved invaluable, particularly under the difficult financial constraints the Conservative government have left us in.”
Tom Morrison, MP for Cheadle said “I want to thank Ian for the year’s of hard work he has put in. It is his tireless work that made the ward winnable for the Liberal Democrats, and I would like to wish him all the best. Whenever I speak to the residents of his ward, many have a warm word to say about him, and he will no doubt be sorely missed.
"On a personal level, Ian is a true Liberal Democrat legend locally. Without him we would never had the breakthrough locally. I'll miss working with him."