Lib Dems oppose Mirrlees Fields development, fight for residents' right to access

The Norbury & Woodsmoor Liberal Democrat team, along with Cheadle Parliamentary Candidate Tom Morrison, have written to Stockport Council’s Planning Committee in opposition to plans to build 300 houses on Mirrlees Fields.
For years, the local Liberal Democrats have opposed attempts to develop this precious green space. Stockport Council’s own Strategic Needs Assessment has shown the surrounding area as having one of the lowest green space provisions in the entire area.
The fields are the only significant green space in an already heavily developed area surrounded by major arterial roads such as the A6. Their development would impact local air quality, not only through increased traffic and congestion but by the loss of our green lungs.
Tom Morrison also wrote to MAN Energy in his capacity as a prospective MP, over reports the site owners were threatening to fence off this site in response to local opposition to their development plans.
He likened such potential plans to “a petty punishment for a community that did not step in line” and implored MAN to see the sense of maintaining good relations with the local community.
The Liberal Democrat team have thanked local residents for helping with the campaign, and will continue to keep them informed and up to date on the progress of this application.