Tom Morrison MP responds to NPPF Consultation

Local MP for Cheadle, Tom Morrison, has responded to the NPPF Planning Consultation, calling for a national target for social housing, pushing for a true 'brownfield-first' policy and fighting for community led planning decisions.
The new Labour government launched the consultation soon after the election, at the same time as releasing updated housing targets nationwaide, including a 77% increase for Sockport Borough.
The Lib Dems in Stcokport had just announced a new local plan, that preserved all Green Belt land withn the Cheadle constituency. However this has now been scrapped as it does not comply with the Government's new targets.
Tom Morrison and the local Lib Dems will continue working with residents to find the most appropriate locations for housing, fighting against building on the local Green Belt.
You can read Tom's letter the Planning Inspecorate below.