Cheadle Liberal Democrats
Tom Morrison launches petition to save local ticket offices
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate Tom Morrison has launched a petition to protect local railway ticket offices from closure.
Local MP refuses to back bill to stop puppy smuggling and pet theft
Local Conservative MP refused to back a bill to end puppy smuggling, pet theft and live animal exports in the UK.
Cheadle's MP urged to vote for Boris Johnson censure motion
Liberal Democrat candidate for Cheadle has called on local Conservative MP Mary Robinson to vote for a motion in Parliament next week to censure Boris Johnson.
United Utilities’ apology is far too late after years of sewage scandal
Liberal Democrats have called for United Utilities to be overhauled following an overdue apology for sewage dumping.
Lib Dems secure a banking hub for our area!
Today LINK unveiled their plans for a banking hub in Bramhall to serve local residents across our constituency.